Your jeans are looser than ever, you're hearing compliments about your buff arms and you're seeing muscles in new places. But the scale hasn't budged and your body mass index, or BMI, suddenly places you in the overweight category. What gives?
“Tracking weight and BMI are not great tools to measure progress, because as body composition changes, the scale may not," explains Dave Quevedo, a NASM-certified personal trainer in Hoboken, New Jersey. "Both weight and BMI never take into account body composition, often making an active woman seem overweight - but an active woman has more muscle and less body fat than a sedentary woman."
That means you need a different approach than your less-fit friends. “Muscle is denser than fat,"” Quevedo says. Translation: It takes up less space on your frame. Look at it this way: "If you weigh an equal volume of fat and muscle, you'd be surprised that the muscle weighs almost twice as much as the fat," he says. As you advance in your training and gain more lean muscle mass, the spikes in your weight and BMI are signs of progress, not reasons to lose motivation.
So don't get derailed by the wrong “fatness” signals. Follow this guide to learn how to track your body fat percentage — and where you store it — by accurately gauging your fitness progress.

The Problem with BMI

The BMI formula — a simple calculation based on your height and weight — has been around since the mid 1800s, but only in the last few decades has it gained popularity among doctors as a way to estimate a healthy body weight and mortality risks. Anything below 18.5 is considered “underweight”; 18.5 to 24.9 is “normal,” 25 to 30 is "“overweight” and 30.1 or more falls into one of three obesity categories.
But as Boston-based sports nutritionist Nancy Clark, MS, RD, FACSM, author of Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook points out, the BMI doesn't distinguish between fat and muscle, and only gives you an indication of how heavy you are overall. “It's a very poor model for active people,"” she says.
In his prime, Arnold Schwarzenegger had a whopping BMI of 30.2 - “obese” according to the calculation. But anyone who's seen “Arnie” at his best knows that he was all lean muscle, not fat.
And recent research shows that BMI can also be a false indicator of health in other ways. According to the American College of Cardiology, researchers presented their findings, which showed that individuals with a normal BMI can still have a high body-fat content, increasing their risk for cardiovascular disease and other health-related problems.

Track Your Body Fat

When you begin a new fitness program or increase the intensity of your sessions in the gym, chances are you're losing fat but gaining muscle, says Fabio Comana, MS, exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise. And, as you know, muscle beats fat for many reasons. “Muscle uses more calories, even at rest, so you gain the potential to boost your resting metabolic rate,” says Janet Walberg Rankin, PhD, professor in the Department of Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise at Virginia Tech. “And muscles help us perform better, if we're competing or just want to be able to last through our workout or exercise class.”
You shouldn't ditch measurements altogether, however. Instead, sports nutritionists and trainers urge active women to consider where their fat is stored. That's because women can be “skinny fat,” appearing to be healthy based on weight and height alone, but possessing pockets of fat in targeted areas that puts them at higher risk for certain health conditions.
Abdominal fat, for example, is increasingly linked to metabolic syndrome and heart disease; women whose waists are 35 inches or more have a higher risk of health problems than those with smaller waists, no matter how much they weigh. And a Danish study in Circulation found that extra body fat in women's hips can increase the risk of venous thromboembolism, or dangerous blood clots in the veins.
So it's important to consider your overall body fat, and where it might be landing. Though there's no such thing as spot reduction, targeted training can help decrease your body fat and increase your muscle - leading to a leaner looking body. “Reducing your overall body fat through methods of resistance training and cardio are the best ways to change your body composition,"” says Quevedo.
New technology is improving the accuracy of overall body fat measurements. Women seeking optimal fitness levels should aim for about 16 to 25 percent body fat, says Kathleen Laquale, PhD, athletic trainer at Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts. Though fitness competitors may aim for lower levels, anything below 15 percent simply can't be sustained for the long term without health risks.
So if you need a way to gauge your fit progress by seeing a change in numbers, check up on your body fat instead of the scale. And some of the simplest techniques, from looking in the mirror to zipping up your jeans, will further help map your success and boost your confidence as you shed fat, build muscle and get on the way to reaching all your goals.
You need at least three percent fat on your body just to live, explains Kathleen Laquale, PhD, athletic trainer at Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts. Drop below 15 percent for a long time, and you risk losing your period, developing osteoporosis and suffering general fatigue. "A body-fat percentage that's too low can be harmful to your health and well-being," Laquale says. For healthy body-fat percentage ranges based on your fitness level, follow these guildelines:
  • Top athletes: 15 to 20%
  • Fit women: 21 to 24%
  • Healthy/acceptable: 25 to 32%
  • Overweight: 33% plus

What’s the best way to measure body fat?

Find the best method for you by looking into the following options:

Caliper Testing

Cost: $15 to $400

Accuracy: Plus or minus 3% error; mostly measures fat just under the skin

Accessibility: Found at most fitness clubs

Rating: 3

Body-Fat Scales For Home Use

Cost: $20 to $300 for a machine that determines body fat from the resistance to an electrical current
Accuracy: Plus or minus 3% error
Accessibility: Available online for purchase
Rating: 2

Hydrostatic Testing (Underwater)

Cost: $15 to $50 per test
Accuracy: Plus or minus 1.5% error
Accessibility: Usually conducted at research institutions and universities
Rating: 4

Look Beyond the Scale

Get out of the bathroom and track your fit progress with these other more reliable indicators of fat loss and muscle-building success:
  1. Your jeans: Are your clothes looser? Are they fitting better and more comfortably?
  2. Your sets and reps in the gym: Has your performance improved? Can you train longer, lift heavier or complete your exercises with more ease?
  3. Your daily tasks: Are you finding it easier to carry all 10 bags of groceries from the car? Is it easier to shovel the snow in the winter?
  4. Your energy levels. Do you find yourself less exhausted and more pumped when you first wake up?
  5. Your reflection. How do you appear in the mirror – jiggly all over or firm in parts?

The Scoop on Brown Fat

Two studies in the New England Journal of Medicine about how a special form of thermogenically active fat tissue burns through excess energy, suddenly caught the media’s attention. One headline even read: “Brown Fat: A Fat That Helps You Lose Weight?”

Well, not so much. “Brown adipose fat, or BAT, is generally irrelevant,” says Fabio Comana, MS, exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise. “Thousands of years ago, it helped keep us warm through the cold months.” But these days, we don’t need to survive the frigid weather – we have clothes, homes and heaters – so we’ve evolved away from brown fat,” Comana says. “For the most part, it’s hype.”

5 Essentials for Healthy Fat Loss

Keep your body fat in check with these Oxygen-approved strategies:
  1. Strength train. Adding weights into your routine not only makes you stronger and leaner, it also increases your metabolism and helps you burn more fat.
  2. Eat clean foods, such as whole grains. A 2009 study in the Journal of Nutrition found that people who consume the highest amounts of whole grains have 2.4% less body fat than those who eat the least.
  3. Don’t forget the cardio. Try adding one-minute intervals into your program to up your energy and blast fat.
  4. Plan five to six meals a day instead of three large ones, and never skip breakfast.
  5. Give it some time. Quick results usually don’t last, so go with the slow-and-steady approach to reach your goals, and stay lean.

The Fit Woman's Guide to Body Fat

I’ve discussed 5 Ways to Measure Your Body Fat Percentage, Ideal Body Weight Formula, and even showed you Body Fat Percentage Pictures of Men & Women, but what is your ideal body fat percentage? What is a healthy, realistic body fat percentage to shoot for so you can have that lean, toned body you desire?
While there is some debate as to what constitutes a “healthy” body fat range, I have below 2 different types of body fat percentage charts, which I will walk you through along with some insights into how to read each chart.

Ideal Body Fat Percentage Chart #1: ACE

The chart below from the American Council on Exercise (ACE) is one of the most commonly used body fat charts.1 As you can see, women have a higher body fat percentage relative to men for a given level. Women have more fat because of physiological differences such as hormones, breasts, and sexual organs. In addition, women need a higher amount of body fat for ovulation.

“Essential fat” is the minimum amount of fat necessary for basic physical and physiological health. There is a lot of controversy over what amount of body fat is optimal for overall health. A research paper by Gallagher et. al. in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2000) came to the conclusion that certain low body fat ranges are “underfat”, which implies “unhealthy”.2According to this research paper, men who are between 20-40 years old with under 8% body fat are considered “underfat”, whereas a “healthy” range is described as between 8-19%. For women in this same age group, any level under 21% is “underfat” and 21-33% is considered “healthy”.
In my opinion, I think body fat is one important measure of health, but stating a certain body fat level is “unhealthy” doesn’t give the whole story. In fact, some overweight people who exercise can be healthier than their leaner non-exercising counterparts.3 Conversely, to imply that anyone who has a six pack (below 8% body fat for men), is very athletic, and eats well is “underfat”, or “unhealthy” is a stretch. We all have different shapes, sizes, and fat distribution profiles, but I think the chart above is a good starting point.
The limitation of the ACE chart is that while it takes into account gender differences, it does not take into account your age, which is exactly why I included the next two charts.

Ideal Body Fat Percentage Chart #2: Jackson & Pollock

AccuFitness is the maker of the popular Accu-Measure Body Fat Caliper, which is a one-site skinfold body fat measurement method. When you buy the product, AccuFitness includes a body fat percentage chart based on research by Jackson & Pollock (which has become the industry standard) that I think both aesthetically and from a health perspective is right on the money.
In case you don’t understand how to read this chart, just find your age on the left hand column, then see the corresponding body fat percentage to the right. So if you are a 30 year old man, a body fat percentage of around 12.7% is considered ideal.

You may have noticed as your age increases, your acceptable body fat within these ranges increases as well. Why you ask? In short, these charts are based on statistical assumptions. Older individuals tend to have a lower body density for the same skinfold measurements, which is assumed to indicate a higher body fat percentage. Older, athletic individuals, however, might not fit this assumption because their body density may be underestimated.
Digging a little deeper, there are 3 types of fat: subcutaneous (under the skin), visceral (around the organs), and intramuscular (in between muscle, like a marbled steak). The amount of subcutaneous body fat you have may stay the same, but the visceral and intramuscular fat may increase as you age. For a visual representation of a given body fat level, you can check out this article:
I hope this discussion of ideal body fat percentage was helpful for you!

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GENERAL HEALTH Ideal Body Fat Percentage Chart: How Lean Should You Be?

Is a maths equation from the 1980s the right way to size up your health?

If you're one of the many New Zealanders classed as overweight, you've probably been told your Body Mass Index is too high.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is the measurement of a person's weight in kilograms, divided by their height squared in centimetres.

It has been used to classify people as underweight, healthy, overweight or obese since the 1980s.

But is a maths equation really what doctors should be focusing on? Is it reliable?

A recent study by Annals of Internal Medicine found relying on BMI failed to determine risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.

The study suggested body-fat percentage was a better determinant of health, because it took into account whole-body composition (muscle, bone and fat).

All of the men in this picture have the same BMI. But they have wildly different bodies.
All of the men in this picture have the same BMI. But they have wildly different bodies.

'Overfat' is a term that has jumped on to the dietary radar recently and refers to having too much excess body fat.

People who are overfat can be within a normal BMI range, but have increased risk factors for chronic disease, such as high abdominal fat.

So why do we still use BMI as our global measure of weight-related health? Would New Zealand's overall health look different if we changed the measurement?

Credit: Ministry of Health

Author of Fat Science, Dr Robyn Toomath, doesn't think so, and said BMI remained the best measurement we had.

"It determines what you should be for a particular height so for the vast, vast majority of us it works very well," she said.

"Because it's such a standardised measure it can be used not only for individuals but as an important public health measure. We need a stick in the sand to compare trends of populations."

Credit: Ministry of Health

The World Health Organisation continues to use the measurement to compare the health of countries, but mentions BMI should be used as a rough guide because it may ignore the amount of fat individuals carry.

The equation also cannot capture the tendency someone may have to develop type 2 diabetes.

"That's much more likely captured with abdominal fat - waist circumference measures that. But there's a lot more variability with waist circumference," Toomath said.

Ministry of Health deputy director of public health, ​Harriette​ Carr, said BMI was used as a global benchmark for health because it was an easy, consistent measurement.

"It's the most common measure of overweight and obesity used in research studies," she said.

The chance of developing diabetes and heart disease increases with higher BMI, and in 2016 the World Cancer Research Fund International found evidence people with a BMI classed as overweight and obese had an increased risk of many different types of cancer.

But there's also evidence that BMI ignores variation in physical characteristics.

"BMI may not be as accurate in highly muscular people or in ethnic groups with smaller body stature," Carr said. That's because people with smaller body frames typically carried more fat but may fall into a 'normal' BMI range.

In terms of alternatives, Carr said on an individual level, waist circumference should be used with BMI to provide an accurate assessment of weight - especially for those cultures that had smaller bodies.

But it's unlikely BMI would be fully replaced by another measurement any time soon. It was easy to calculate and had been successfully used for years to predict disease risk.

For now, it's the best we have.

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Is BMI really the best weight-health measurement we have?

MIAMI — Weight loss programs use before-and-after photos to attract customers to their service. The Heat use before and after photos to attract players to their “culture.”

James Johnson is proof.

The Heat forward has never been in this kind of shape before. Over the first seven seasons of his NBA career, the 6-foot-9 Johnson didn’t make his body a priority as he arrived to Miami this summer at 275 pounds with 14.5 percent body fat.

Just 64 games into his first season with the Heat, Johnson is down to 238 pounds and 6.75 percent body fat. He missed Monday’s win over the Cavaliers — more out of precaution — after receiving three stitches to close a cut on his right elbow from Saturday, but Johnson hopes to return for Wednesday’s home game against the Hornets.

What got the 30-year-old Johnson to finally make his body a priority after seven mediocre NBA seasons?

Was it the fact that Johnson was forced to take an underwhelming one-year deal worth $4 million this past summer in the middle of a free agency period that included unprecedented spending? Or was Johnson tired of just scratching the surface of how good of a player he could be?

Probably a little bit of both. But the Heat deserve some credit, too.

[Five takeaways: The shorthanded Miami Heat stun the Cleveland Cavaliers, 106-98]

[James Johnson the reason Heat players say Rodney McGruder has ‘honeydew melon’ eyes]

Johnson remembers arriving to Miami this past summer and being asked to take a shirtless picture for a before-and-after photo series the team had planned for him.

“I never had done a before-and-after,” Johnson said referring to his previous NBA stops in Chicago, Toronto, Sacramento and Memphis. “We got in there and they told me I had to take off my shirt. We had to take a before picture. It was weird to me. It was really weird to me. I thought I was going to be the only one because I came in something huge. I thought they were going to show me progress or what I don’t want to get back to.”

But Johnson is not the only player the Heat have asked to do this. It didn’t take him long to realize that.

“I ran through their iPad magazine,” Johnson said. “It was like a magazine, their iPad, their own accomplishments with other players and I saw it with my own eyes. And from the point I saw that iPad, I wanted to change myself.”

Johnson said there were “a ton” of Heat weight-loss success stories on the iPad that blew him away, but he singled out Joe Johnson as the guy who really caught his eye. Why? Joe spent just the final three months of the 2015-16 season with the Heat and he “was still able to change his body like that.”

“It has a lot to do with the player, but all the compliments and all the rewards should go to the Forans,” Johnson said.

That’s Heat strength and conditioning coach Bill Foran, and his son and assistant strength and conditioning coach Eric Foran. Even though Johnson will be an unrestricted free agent this summer with a big pay raise expected to come his way, he plans on keeping the Forans close by as he works to keep from putting weight back on in the offseason.

“I don’t think I’m going to leave Eric Foran or Bill Foran’s side during the summer,” Johnson said with a smile. “I don’t think this is it for me. I still feel I have a long way to go and I want to get there body wise. I think the game will follow.”

Johnson’s new and improved body has already produced a new and improved game. He’s averaging career highs in points (12.1), 3-point percentage (33.9), rebounds (4.9) and assists (3.4) off the bench in his first season with the Heat.

On the defensive end, Johnson has been just as effective. Among players who have played at least 30 games this season, he ranks seventh in the NBA with an opponent field goal percentage of 39.1 percent.

“I love where he’s going,” Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said of Johnson. “We want to continue to be open to where he can get to next. Hopefully we’re not going to stop here. Hopefully there’s another level or two or three, whatever it may be, that he can get to.”

And as the weight drips off of him, Johnson feels like a more agile and athletic version of his former shelf. This is coming from a man who could already do a running front flip and a standing back flip before losing the weight, and is also a second-degree back belt with a 21-0 record in kickboxing and 7-0 record in mixed martial arts bouts (and says he can roundhouse kick a wedged basketball off the rim).

“I feel like that the more weight I lose, the more I unleash skills that I didn’t think I was capable of having or doing,” Johnson said. “Just being able to do more things agility wise. I can move, cut through smaller spaces, and definitely give more effort out there in the game. I can go from 100 effort to 150 now.”

A clean diet has been a big part of Johnson’s weight loss program. He’s eating out less and eating more home-cooked meals.

Just ask Johnson if the “Heat culture” is a real thing and he’ll give you a testimonial that’s stronger than most of the ones you hear in weight-loss program commercials.

“It’s super real,” Johnson said. “This culture is real. Not only that, you know the kind of practices we have. We have those kind of practices where you can’t go out and hang out all night and think you’re going to be able to come to practice and really go hard because I’ll call you out, everybody on this team will call you out. We won’t leave it to the coaches to call you out. We take care of that ourselves. That’s the inside of this locker room.”

Now, Johnson doesn’t have to look through the Heat’s iPad for weight-loss success stories. His own incredible before-and-after photo was sitting at his locker before Wednesday’s home win over the 76ers.

“One of my most happiest moments,” Johnson said, looking back at when he first saw the photo.

“I even had to call my old lady and say, ‘Yo, I’m sorry you had to be with this guy. I didn’t know it was that bad.’ She was at the pool with me and I’m thinking I’m good. But they were really just staring at her the whole time, I guess. It’s just good motivation and it’s a good reminder not to go back.”

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Inside look at how James Johnson turned into incredible Miami Heat weight-loss success story

Body fat percentage is thankfully gaining more popularity as an effective marker of overall health and fitness instead of the BMI Index.

While I’ve written extensively about body fat percentage in numerous articles including Ideal Body Fat Percentage Chart, 5 Ways to Measure Body Fat Percentage, and Ideal Body Weight Formula among many others, I’m hoping this article will help tie everything together by creating visual representations of what a given amount of body fat looks like for men and women.

I searched thousands of images in order to create this article. Most of the images I purchased from stock photography websites, but others are in the public domain (at least I hope). If one of these pictures is copyrighted, please let me know and I will list proper attributions, or replace it if need be.

Body Fat Percentage Basics

To best understand the descriptions in this article and how the pictures were chosen, here are some basic body fat percentage terms and concepts that are helpful to learn:

Body Fat Percentage – is the amount of body fat (lb, or kg) divided by total body weight listed as a percentage. For example, a 180lb man with 30lb of body fat has a body fat percentage of 16% (30/180).

Body Fat Distribution – We all have different body fat distributions, or how fat is distributed across our body. For example, some women may have very little body fat on their abs, but a lot on their thighs and triceps, while others will have the opposite. Same thing goes with men, but most men carry fat in their stomachs. I tried my best to show pictures that highlighted the stomach region for men and the hips/thighs/stomach region for women.

Body Shape -Similar to body fat distribution is we all have different body shapes, so two different body shapes may have the same body fat percentage even if they don’t look like it. A classic example is a skinny runway model may have the same body fat percentage as a fit, athletic women.

Age – The pictures in this post assume ages of around 25-35 years old. Most body fat measurement devices will reflect higher body fat levels as the age increases. For example, a 20 year old man and a 50 year old man may have the same subcutaneous body fat measurement (fat under the skin), but the 20 year old may be 15% and the 50 year old will be at 20%. As we age, fat around the organs (visceral) and within muscle (intramuscular) tends to increase and most formulas take this into account.

Muscle Striations – As an individual becomes more defined, the actual muscle can be seen more clearly, which looks like thin rods, referred to as striations.

Vascularity – This is the appearance of veins in different areas of the body as body fat decreases.

Body Fat Pictures Of Men


Body Fat Picture Descriptions Of Men

Body Fat Percentage Men 3-4%
Bodybuilders can drop as low as 3-4% body fat when preparing for bodybuilding competitions. This body fat level is characterized by extreme vascularity, so that veins are visible over just about every muscle in the body. There is clear separation between muscles, and striations visible on almost every muscle. The buttocks (I’ll spare you a back picture) even has striations, some vascularity, with little fat. If your buttocks doesn’t have any body fat, you’ve got VERY low body fat! Essential fat for a man is around 2%, which is the basic amount of fat a man needs for the body to function (fat protects internal organs in the chest and abdomen).

Body Fat Percentage Men 6-7%
Approximately 6-7% body fat for a man is a bit less extreme than competition bodybuilders, but it’s still hovering at a level that is not sustainable for most men. Around this level, or slightly less, the face becomes gaunt, and your family starts worrying about you. This 6-7% body fat level, which is achieved by many male fitness models when doing photoshoots, is characterized by muscle definition in all muscles and clear vascularity in most muscles including arms, legs, and even abs. Vascularity over the abs muscle is a sign of very low body fat. Clear separation of muscles as well.

Body Fat Percentage Men 10-12%
This is a sustainable level for most men where you should be able to see your abs, but they will likely not be as defined as a man in the 6-7% body fat range. This body fat range is the classic beach body look that most men want and many women love. While not very defined, there is separation between muscles, some muscle striations potentially in the shoulders, or arms, but striations are not showing on every muscle. Vascularity is typically limited to the arms, with a little possibly on the legs.

Body Fat Percentage Men 15%
The 15% body fat level is usually within the “lean and fit” category in most body fat percentage charts. The outlines of muscle can be seen, but there is no clear separation between them. Vascularity is usually a bit more limited as are muscle striations, which are typically covered by a thin layer of fat. The overall shape is still there, which can create an aesthetic appearance despite less muscle definition.

Body Fat Percentage Men 20%
Separation between muscles starts to blur, almost no vascularity, or striations can be seen, typically there is a small stomach pouch of fat, the look is “soft” but not very round. Most guys I come across in NYC are within the 20-25% body fat range. Other parts of the country, or world, that range may be skewed higher or lower. A 5’11”man who weighs 180lb and has 145lb of lean body mass (the average) will have 20% body fat.

Body Fat Percentage Men 25%
There is little to no separation of muscles, no vascularity, or muscle striations, waist begins to increase quite substantially with a waist to hip ratio as high as 0.9 (waist circumference/hip circumference). So a 5’10” man may have a 36+ inch waist. This man may have a little neck fat, but may not look like he has 25% body fat in normal clothing. Over 25% body fat for a man is considered obese, and over a 40 inch waist is considered abdominal obesity.

Body Fat Percentage Men 30%
There is more fat all around the body at the 30% level including waist, back, thighs, and calves. The waist looks larger relative to the hips, and the stomach will likely be protruding over the waist noticeably. There is no muscle separation.

Body Fat Percentage Men 35%
As men get heavier and heavier gaining more fat, most of the fat is funneled right in the stomach. The 35% level is characterized by more significant protrusion of stomach fat over the waist. This is the beer gut kind of look. Waist circumferences can be 40+ inches for a man with 35% body fat.

Body Fat Percentage Men 40%
Similar to the 35% level, even more fat accumulates in the stomach and waist region, so that waist sizes can approach 45 inches, or more. At this level, basic every day activities like walking up stairs, or bending over to pick something up becomes increasingly difficult. This body fat level is approaching morbidly obese, which is characterized by a BMI over 35. To put it in better perspective, a 5’11” man who weighs 270lb and has 160lb of lean body mass has 40% body fat.

Body Fat Pictures Of Women

Body Fat Picture Descriptions Of Women

Body Fat Percentage Women 10-12%
This is an extremely low body fat level typically attained by female bodybuilders. Essential fat for women is round 8-10% compared to 2% for men. Why the difference? Women have more fat in breast tissue and the area surrounding the uterus. This level of body fat is not considered safe, or healthy for women who will be unable to menstruate. Striations of muscle, separation between muscles, clear vascularity are all noticeable at this level. The women in the photo is likely at the higher end of the range at 12% body fat because she is not too vascular.

Body Fat Percentage Women 15-17%
This is still considered a very low body fat for women, which is similar to the 6-7% body fat for range men. Many bikini and fitness models will reach this body fat level and some may not be able to menstruate. Muscle definition in the abs, legs, arms, and shoulders is apparent, there is some vascularity and some separation between muscles. Hips, buttocks, and thighs generally have a little less shape because of the low body fat.

Body Fat Percentage Women 20-22%
This is body fat percentage is usually in the “fit” category of most body fat charts and is typical of many female athletes. Some definition in the abs is apparent, there is body fat on the arms and legs, but it’s not too pronounced. There is minimal, but some separation between muscles.

Body Fat Percentage Women 25%
This is on the low end of what’s average for most women and is characterized by a shape that is neither too slim, nor overweight. Curves in the hips are usually more apparent along with more fat in the buttocks and thighs. A 5’4” women who weighs 130lb and has 97lb of lean body mass has 25% body fat.

Body Fat Percentage Women 30%
While most men have fat funnel into their stomachs, as the body fat of most women (but certainly not all) increases, this fat tends to accumulate in the hips, buttocks, and thighs. At 30% body fat, the hips, thighs, and buttocks are more pronounced and round. This is considered the high end of average for women in many body fat charts.

Body Fat Percentage Women 35%
The hips become even wider at this level of body fat and the face and neck will appear rounder and more full. Hip circumference can start approaching 40+ inches and waist circumference of 32+ inches. Some belly fat may start protruding over the waist as well.

Body Fat Percentage Women 40%
The hips and thighs grow larger so that hip circumference can reach 42+ inches, waist of 35 inches, and thighs over 25 inches.

Body Fat Percentage Women 45%
The skin may begin to lose its smooth appearance as more and more fat accumulates. Hip Circumference can may reach 45 inches+ and waist circumference 35+ inches. The hips may become noticeably wider than the shoulders.

Body Fat Percentage Women 50%
The will likely look like it has dimples more fat accumulates. Hip Circumference can may reach 45+ inches and waist circumference 40+ inches and thighs above 30+ inches. The hips will likely be noticeably wider than the shoulders. To put it in better perspective, a 5’4” women who weighs 200lb and has 100lb of lean body mass has 50% body fat.

Given how confusing measuring body fat percentage can be, I hope seeing these body fat percentage pictures was helpful!

Do you want to improve your body fat percentage? Check out my 12-Week Body Transformation Program to lose fat and get lean.

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Body Fat Percentage Pictures Of Men & Women

There are many ways to lose a lot of weight fast.

However, most of them will make you hungry and unsatisfied.
Fit Woman Holding a Scale And an Apple
If you don’t have iron willpower, then hunger will cause you to give up on these plans quickly.

The plan outlined here will:

Reduce your appetite significantly.
Make you lose weight quickly, without hunger.
Improve your metabolic health at the same time.
Here is a simple 3-step plan to lose weight fast.

1. Cut Back on Sugars and Starches

The most important part is to cut back on sugars and starches (carbs).

These are the foods that stimulate secretion of insulin the most. If you didn’t know already, insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body.

When insulin goes down, fat has an easier time getting out of the fat stores and the body starts burning fats instead of carbs.

Another benefit of lowering insulin is that your kidneys shed excess sodium and water out of your body, which reduces bloat and unnecessary water weight (1, 2).

It is not uncommon to lose up to 10 pounds (sometimes more) in the first week of eating this way, both body fat and water weight.

This is a graph from a study comparing low-carb and low-fat diets in overweight/obese women (3).Weight Loss Graph, Low Carb vs Low Fat

Weight Loss Graph, Low Carb vs Low Fat

The low-carb group is eating until fullness, while the low-fat group is calorie restricted and hungry.

Cut the carbs, lower your insulin and you will start to eat less calories automatically and without hunger (4).

Put simply, lowering your insulin puts fat loss on “autopilot.”

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Bottom Line: Removing sugars and starches (carbs) from your diet will lower your insulin levels, kill your appetite and make you lose weight without hunger.

2. Eat Protein, Fat and VegetablesGirl Eating Kebab

Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source and low-carb vegetables. Constructing your meals in this way will automatically bring your carb intake into the recommended range of 20-50 grams per day.

Girl Eating Kebab

Protein Sources:

Meat – Beef, chicken, pork, lamb, bacon, etc.
Fish and Seafood – Salmon, trout, shrimps, lobsters, etc.
Eggs – Omega-3 enriched or pastured eggs are best.
The importance of eating plenty of protein can not be overstated.

This has been shown to boost metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day (5, 6, 7).

High protein diets can also reduce obsessive thoughts about food by 60%, reduce desire for late-night snacking by half, and make you so full that you automatically eat 441 fewer calories per day… just by adding protein to your diet (8, 9).

When it comes to losing weight, protein is the king of nutrients. Period.

Low-Carb Vegetables:


Brussels Sprouts
Swiss Chard
Full list here.

Don’t be afraid to load your plate with these low-carb vegetables. You can eat massive amounts of them without going over 20-50 net carbs per day.

A diet based on meat and vegetables contains all the fiber, vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy. There is no physiological need for grains in the diet.

Butter Curls

Fat Sources:

Olive oil
Coconut oil
Avocado oil
Eat 2-3 meals per day. If you find yourself hungry in the afternoon, add a 4th meal.

Don’t be afraid of eating fat, trying to do both low-carb AND low-fat at the same time is a recipe for failure. It will make you feel miserable and abandon the plan.

The best cooking fat to use is coconut oil. It is rich in fats called Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs). These fats are more fulfilling than others and can boost metabolism slightly (10, 11).

There is no reason to fear these natural fats, new studies show that saturated fat doesn’t raise your heart disease risk at all (12, 13).

To see how you can assemble your meals, check out this low carb meal plan and this list of low carb recipes.

Bottom Line: Assemble each meal out of a protein source, a fat source and a low-carb vegetable. This will put you into the 20-50 gram carb range and drastically lower your insulin levels.

3. Lift Weights 3 Times Per Week


You don’t need to exercise to lose weight on this plan, but it is recommended.

The best option is to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Do a warm up, lift weights, then stretch.

If you’re new to the gym, ask a trainer for some advice.

By lifting weights, you will burn a few calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight (14, 15).

Studies on low-carb diets show that you can even gain a bit of muscle while losing significant amounts of body fat (16).

If lifting weights is not an option for you, then doing some easier cardio workouts like running, jogging, swimming or walking will suffice.

Bottom Line: It is best to do some sort of resistance training like weight lifting. If that is not an option, cardio workouts work too.
Optional – Do a “Carb Re-feed” Once Per Week

Overweight Man Eating Cake

You can take one day “off” per week where you eat more carbs. Many people prefer Saturday.

It is important to try to stick to healthier carb sources like oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruits, etc.

But only this one higher carb day, if you start doing it more often than once per week then you’re not going to see much success on this plan.

If you must have a cheat meal and eat something unhealthy, then do it on this day.

Be aware that cheat meals or carb refeeds are NOT necessary, but they can up-regulate some fat burning hormones like leptin and thyroid hormones (17, 18).

You will gain some weight during your re-feed day, but most of it will be water weight and you will lose it again in the next 1-2 days.

Bottom Line: Having one day of the week where you eat more carbs is perfectly acceptable, although not necessary.
What About Calories and Portion Control?

Apple And Calculator

It is NOT necessary to count calories as long as you keep the carbs very low and stick to protein, fat and low-carb vegetables.

However, if you really want to, then use this calculator.

Enter your details, then pick the number from either the “Lose Weight” or the “Lose Weight Fast” section – depending on how fast you want to lose.

There are many great tools you can use to track the amount of calories you are eating. Here is a list of 5 calorie counters that are free and easy to use.

The main goal is to keep carbs under 20-50 grams per day and get the rest of your calories from protein and fat.

Bottom Line: It is not necessary to count calories to lose weight on this plan. It is most important to strictly keep your carbs in the 20-50 gram range.
10 Weight Loss Tips to Make Things Easier (and Faster)

Here are 10 more tips to lose weight even faster:

Eat a high-protein breakfast. Eating a high-protein breakfast has been shown to reduce cravings and calorie intake throughout the day (19, 20, 21).
Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. These are the most fattening things you can put into your body, and avoiding them can help you lose weight (22, 23).
Drink water a half hour before meals. One study showed that drinking water a half hour before meals increased weight loss by 44% over 3 months (24).
Choose weight loss-friendly foods (see list). Certain foods are very useful for losing fat. Here is a list of the 20 most weight loss-friendly foods on earth.
Eat soluble fiber. Studies show that soluble fibers may reduce fat, especially in the belly area. Fiber supplements like glucomannan can also help (25, 26, 27).
Drink coffee or tea. If you’re a coffee or a tea drinker, then drink as much as you want as the caffeine in them can boost your metabolism by 3-11% (28, 29, 30).
Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods. Base most of your diet on whole foods. They are healthier, more filling and much less likely to cause overeating.
Eat your food slowly. Fast eaters gain more weight over time. Eating slowly makes you feel more full and boosts weight-reducing hormones (31, 32, 33).
Use smaller plates. Studies show that people automatically eat less when they use smaller plates. Strange, but it works (34).
Get a good night’s sleep, every night. Poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for weight gain, so taking care of your sleep is important (35, 36).
Even more tips here: 30 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Naturally (Backed by Science).

Bottom Line: It is most important to stick to the three rules, but there are a few other things you can do to speed things up.
How Fast You Will Lose (and Other Benefits)

Obese vs Thin Woman

You can expect to lose 5-10 pounds of weight (sometimes more) in the first week, then consistent weight loss after that.

I can personally lose 3-4 lbs per week for a few weeks when I do this strictly.

If you’re new to dieting, then things will probably happen quickly. The more weight you have to lose, the faster you will lose it.

For the first few days, you might feel a bit strange. Your body has been burning carbs for all these years, it can take time for it to get used to burning fat instead.

It is called the “low carb flu” and is usually over within a few days. For me it takes 3. Adding some sodium to your diet can help with this, such as dissolving a bouillon cube in a cup of hot water and drinking it.

After that, most people report feeling very good, positive and energetic. At this point you will officially have become a “fat burning beast.”

Despite the decades of anti-fat hysteria, the low-carb diet also improves your health in many other ways:

Blood Sugar tends to go way down on low-carb diets (37, 38).
Triglycerides tend to go down (39, 40).
Small, dense LDL (the bad) Cholesterol goes down (41, 42).
HDL (the good) cholesterol goes up (43).
Blood pressure improves significantly (44, 45).
To top it all of, low-carb diets appear to be easier to follow than low-fat diets.
Bottom Line: You can expect to lose a lot of weight, but it depends on the person how quickly it will happen. Low-carb diets also improve your health in many other ways.
You Don’t Need to Starve Yourself to Lose Weight

If you have a medical condition then talk to your doctor before making changes because this plan can reduce your need for medication.

By reducing carbs and lowering insulin levels, you change the hormonal environment and make your body and brain “want” to lose weight.

This leads to drastically reduced appetite and hunger, eliminating the main reason that most people fail with conventional weight loss methods.

This is proven to make you lose about 2-3 times as much weight as a typical low-fat, calorie restricted diet (46, 47, 48).

Another great benefit for the impatient folks is that the initial drop in water weight can lead to a big difference on the scale as early as the next morning.

Here are a few examples of low-carb meals that are simple, delicious and can be prepared in under 10 minutes: 7 Healthy Low-Carb Meals in 10 Minutes or Less.

On this plan, you can eat good food until fullness and still lose a ton of fat. Welcome to paradise.

source by:

How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science

If you ever wanted a computer to not only tell you what your body fat percentage is, but also give you a ‘good looks’ rating, you’re in luck. Bodywhat, featured on Product Hunt, purports to do that and more — from a single photo.
Screen Shot 2015 07 10 at 9.38.06 AM
Here’s how it works.

First, you upload a “quality” picture of your upper body. This means with your arms relaxed and absolutely no flexing — this isn’t about cheating the algorithm. Then you upload the picture and fill in a few detail like height and weight.

Bodywhat takes it from there, 3D modeling your body and comparing it to its database to extrapolate different metrics about your body. It works by comparing different data points in your picture to a reference set of thousands of others.

So, how accurate is it? Bodywhat purports its 95% confidence interval lays somewhere between ± 3.0% and ± 3.5%. The company also stresses that the accuracy will only get better over time, as more data is added to the set and the algorithm improves.

The most useful metric Bodywhat provides is your body fat percentage, but it also takes a dip into the strange. Bodywhat claims to be able to provide a rating of how sexy you are, by “comparing your body to own sexy rating as a weighted-average of those who look the most like you.”

Of course, this raises some questions: Is your sexiness determined by how closely your body resembles other “sexy” bodies? That’s one way of interpreting sexiness, but it seems very machine-like and rather cold.

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The 3D model that Bodywhat makes of your body can also be manipulated to give you a glimpse into alternate futures. You can see what you’d look like with a few extra pounds of muscle, or fat, in a function called “Body Morphing” — a feature whose name you could argue is a bit too similar to “body dysmorphia."

To round it off, Bodywhat can tell you what celebrities you most closely resemble from a body-centric perspective. Bear in mind, you might be going up against Justin Bieber's Photoshopped abs.


And one final consideration. You might want to crop your head out of the photo, just to be safe. Product Hunt founder Ryan Hoover certainly is. “I'm going to try this when I'm in the privacy of my own home, strategically positioning my head outside the frame because I'm skeptical where these photos are going,” he wrote.

You can never be too careful on the internet.

You can try out Bodywhat for yourself by clicking here — but keep in mind the website has been going offline intermittently, possibly to server issues.

source by:

This website estimates your body fat percentage with a single photo

(Updated March, 2015) I figure there’s no sense denying that when it comes to dating, love and relationships, well, physical attractiveness matters. We’re very visually perceptive and we infer a lot from how people look. Whether that’s right or wrong, that’s just how us humans work. The research clearly shows that whether or not people say they value physical attractiveness they still base their actions on it. Hell, even the people who truly believe that they don’t care about physical attractiveness still care about it just as much as everyone else when it comes down to who they actually date. (study, study)
These studies show that this is equally true for both men and women. Everyone places a great deal of importance on physical attractiveness. (Other very attractive traits include warmness and compassion, earning potential, etc, yet surprisingly these traits are seemingly far less important, at least at first.)
Is that the best way to pick a partner? Who knows. Probably not. However this isn’t an article about what we should find attractive, this is an article about what we do find attractive. Some of it might surprise you. Most people guess incorrectly about quite a bit of it. Just in case you disagree though, I’ll cite all my sources so that you can draw your own conclusions.
On that note, this article is long. I’ll understand if you don’t want to read the whole thing, so here’s a quick and simple trick to make yourself instantly sexier: have a drink. It will boost your attractiveness (to yourself) by 50%. This is called the reverse beer goggles effect, aka, Beauty is in the Eye of the Beer Holder. (study) Best of all, you don’t even need to have a real drink – the placebo effect is more than enough – you only have to think you’re having a real drink.
If you’re looking for a more wholesome and longer lasting aesthetic improvement, or perhaps an improvement that other people will notice too, don’t worry – that’s what the rest of this article is all about. This is an article about the biology and physiology of gut-level irresistible attraction and exactly what it looks like.
So let’s look into what’s actually optimally attractive so you can turn even more heads and drop even more jaws than you already do.

What is Sexiness?

At this point it’s probably a good idea to point out that focusing even more on our physical appearance can lead us down a path to insecurity. Sometimes cultivating a more aesthetically enlightened eye can just make us more critical of ourselves.
Always keep in mind that most guys aren’t looking at women critically. Men tend to love how women look in general. That doesn’t matter much when it comes to our own perfectionism though. Some of the most gorgeous people out there cry themselves to sleep because they’re so critical of their own physical appearance. That’s not the goal. I would prefer if you had more than your tears to keep you company at night.
What we’re talking about here is coming at this from the other side of things. Hotness, at its roots, is health and virility displayed in a very obvious and nearly impossible to fake way. In fact, this is arguably why we even value physical attractiveness in the first place. Sexiness is conspicuous health.
Exercise and nutrition doesn’t just affect how strong, lean and toned we look. That’s the positive change we see on the outside, yes, but that’s just the very tip of the iceberg. Leading a healthy lifestyle and lookin’ like da bomb also affects our longevity, mood, willpower, energy levels and all of our organs – including our brains. This is why we all intuitively assume that the cover of the book gives us clues about what’s inside.
For example, regardless of your race, healthy people’s skin looks a little different. A higher intake of vitamins and minerals (good nutrition habits), higher levels of oxygenated blood (good exercise habits) and a healthy amount of melanin (exercise, nutrition and sunlight) will turn your skin redder and yellower, giving you a healthier “glow”. It will probably go a long way to clearing up acne and improving your complexion too, but even just that ever so slightly different colouring subconsciously looks really damn hot to others. (study, study)
So, whether you’re interested in becoming the most undeniably beautiful babe on the block or you’re looking to become a smarter, healthier, stronger and more vibrant version of yourself on the inside, the methods are the same. This isn’t a makeup tutorial – the kind of physical attraction we’re talking about isn’t skin deep and, unfortunately, becoming drop dead gorgeous isn’t quite that simple.
This gets even more confusing when you start adding in all the mainstream media stuff.  The mainstream media ideals when it comes to female attractiveness are often dead wrong. Not wrong in the moralistic sense of the word wrong – that’s a whole other debate – I mean factually wrong. They’re incorrect.
I’m not saying that the mainstream media is dumb. They’re not. They’re actually very clever. It’s not that they’re missing the whole point of physical attractiveness, it’s just that they’ve got a different target market. They aren’t marketing female bodies to men, they’re marketing female bodies to women. Very different market. We’ll talk about that a little bit later, but super health won’t necessarily get you as far with women as it will with men, since women are often competing based on different physical traits that aren’t relevant to physical attractiveness.
Now, on to understanding (and achieving) the ultimately attractive head-turning jaw-droppingly-hot female physique … which just so happens to be the most healthy and wholesome physique imaginable too:

Body types and the ideal female weight.

First, let’s take a look at a few everyday body types. The vast majority of women fall somewhere on this spectrum:
The Most Attractive Female body – Body Types and Body Shapes
None of these women look morbidly obese or like they’ve been in a starvation experiment or anything, and these aren’t unhealthy or unattractive body types – far from it. These women look good, attractive and healthy, they just don’t necessarily look remarkably healthy.

The funny thing is, they may actually be remarkably healthy. For example, the thin gal may have a slender bone structure, have a naturally small appetite, eat lots of nutritious foods, and really enjoy forms of exercise that make her smaller – jogging, yoga, aerobics, etc. She may be in amazing shape even though she doesn’t look that strong or curvaceous.

Similarly, the naturally heavier gal may be a professional rugby player who exercises for several hours each day and eats a ton of nutritious food. She may be in excellent shape and excellent health, just with a higher body fat percentage.

… Or they may not be. The thin gal may be someone who doesn’t eat well enough to support muscle growth or someone who doesn’t exercise at all. Since muscle is so closely correlated with strength, she surely isn’t as strong as she could be.

And the plumper gal may be someone who doesn’t eat well, eats too much and doesn’t exercise. Since excess weight around the midsection is so closely correlated with health problems, if her lifestyle isn’t a healthy one she may be flirting with something like heart disease or diabetes.
These girls may be healthy, but they aren’t conspicuously healthy. Whether our instinctual judgements are fair or not, it’s hard to tell.

There’s nothing wrong with looking like a gal of average health who’ll live till she’s 81, but looking like the national average sure won’t get you noticed … especially when there are the rarer and more remarkable physiques of women who look like they’ll surely live to 120:

The ideal female body / physique, as far as muscle tone, body fat percentage and size goes
Obviously what size you’ll look and feel your best at varies depending on your body type and bone structure. Girls who are naturally thin are often able to build up enough muscle to look “slim & fit” very quickly, then could gradually work their way up to looking “strong & toned” … but it may be nearly impossible for them to rock the “strong & curvy” physique shown on the right. (example)
Similarly, someone who’s naturally voluptuous can usually become “strong & curvy” fairly quickly just by losing a bit of body fat … but may never be able to rock the very slim physique shown on the far left. (example)

With these three physiques, what men see is someone who only needs to make one trip with all of the grocery bags, someone who can easily muscle open up an old jar of honey with a sticky rim that’s keeping the damn lid glued on, someone who will make our best friends a little bit jealous, someone who can pick us up and carry us to the doctor if we get the flu, and someone who will surely pass all these impressive traits and abilities down to the next generation.
All of a sudden we’re struggling to get our hearts out of our stomachs, because that’s the kind of vibrant health and strength that we’re irresistibly drawn to.
It’s also rare enough that it stands out in a crowd. If head turning and jaw dropping is your goal, that’s important.

Most women will have a preference for the gal on the left. With lots of media exposure (a passion for fashion, say) you may have a preference for even thinner women than shown here. Men, on the other hand, more often love the look of fairly strong women, since visible strength makes people look even healthier and more capable.
Why don’t male and female ideals line up? Just like men are taking the “muscle is masculine” thing to extreme levels, female fashion and pop culture are taking the “slenderness is feminine” thing to extreme levels. Women do dig men with some lean muscle mass, and men do dig women who are healthfully slender … but only within the realm of healthful normalcy.

Women who are fashion models (or who are exposed to photos of a lot of fashion models) often want to be fashion-model-thin. Similarly, men who are bodybuilders (or exposed to photos of a lot of bodybuilders) often want to be bodybuilder-big. This is a well known and well researched phenomenon. In more extreme cases, it can cause psychological issues, often causing steroid abuse in men and eating disorders in women. (study)

female slenderness vs masculine muscularity (and the ideal female body / physique)
female slenderness vs masculine muscularity (and the ideal female body / physique)
Is being incredibly thin or super enormously muscular impressive? Hell yes. These are people devoting an incredible amount of time and energy to their hobbies.

Is this the way to become maximally attractive? No. Male bodybuilders appeal to men and women who are into bodybuilding. Female fashion models appeal to other models and fashion designers and such. They don’t suffer for attention from the opposite sex – there are plenty of people who adore these exaggerated physiques – but they aren’t good at attracting the majority of the opposite sex.

So just like you probably want your lover to be strong and healthy but not ridiculously so, well, so do we. We prefer women of average healthy weight. Totally average BMI. No need to get your freak on, Missy Elliot, we prefer a pretty run of the mill bodyweight. (study)

Now if “average” healthy weight sounds a little too good to be true … well you have a point. We aren’t talking about looking like the average girl – she doesn’t eat well and she doesn’t exercise. We aren’t even talking about the average healthy girl, who may eat well, exercise, and weigh a healthy amount. What we’re talking about is someone who’s the same weight as your average healthy gal, but far more conspicuously healthy in appearance.

Not in an obsessive or unhealthy way, mind – we’re talking about women who are really thriving in their bodies here. They’re lively, energetic, vibrant, strong, fast – and they look it. Instead of subconsciously wondering about the possible ailments that may come about due to poor nutrition and exercise habits, we subconsciously assume that your ridiculous degree of hotness means total perfect health:

Why are leaner and more muscular female bodies sexier and more attractive? Health.

Why are leaner and more muscular female bodies sexier and more attractive? Health.
So by conspicuously healthy I mean the type of health that makes guys glide their sunglasses down to the bottom of their noses and say “damn … that girl’s heeeeeealthy*!” – that kind of healthy. And that kind of health is a pretty hard to achieve in a society where the scent of Cinnabon wafts through the air as you’re hustling from your bed to your car to your office chair. Life’s hard. #firstworldproblems

*Men often use slang words for impressively healthy like: hot, fine, sexy, foxy, smokin’, babeshow, etc.

Now I’m not saying that average bodies aren’t attractive – they are – what I’m saying is that they aren’t necessarily invading our minds with the uncontrollable urges that a fiery hot impressively healthy gal would. They just aren’t the bodies whose scents draw us compulsively in like a freshly baked Cinnabon. They might be amazing people, drawing us in like broccoli, because we know that’s where the wholesome amazingness is to be had … but you can totally get the best of all worlds and become a delicious fresh wild blueberry – impulsively delicious like a Cinnabon and totally wholesome on the inside and in the longterm.

(I’m sorry for the weird food references. The talk of Cinnabons kind of made me hungry.)

– Anyway, many cubicle latte babes are furiously struggling to become underweight. They’re working their asses off, not realizing that it’s usually better to work their asses on. It’s not even that they’re lazy – they’re often trying really damn hard! Like, harder than most men could possibly even imagine.

It’s just that if you’re a woman, well, when you look into exercise and nutrition all you tend to find is weight loss information. Even the muscle-building stuff seems to be aimed at people trying to lose weight overall.

What does this do? Well perpetually battling to become underweight doesn’t make you stronger. Leaner? Yes, well, sometimes, kind of. More often than not it makes you lighter – smaller.
They’re starting to look into the psychological side-effects of this mainstream desire to become physically smaller, and it’s a little scary. For example, it seems like eating less food is directly linked with submissive body language. Trying to diet down to a smaller body is not just reducing women’s physical strength, it’s possibly also reducing their social confidence? (study)

Moreover, since the average healthy weight is considered optimally attractive, this means that if you’re already of average weight (or below) then getting skinnier, smaller or littler won’t really get you any closer to becoming as attractive as you can be, and in fact it’s more likely to take you further away.

Oftentimes efforts to lose weight are combined with cardio, aerobics or yoga. All great forms of exercise with loads of health benefits, but combined with a calorie deficit and in absence of any heavy weightlifting … they’re atrocious when it comes to preserving muscular size, strength, power and speed. (study, study, study) So the underweight warriors often aren’t the toned kind of lean that made every man in the world fall in love with Jessica Biel when she buffed up for her role as a warrior:

Ideal female physique jessica biel body (no abs and strong as hell)
That’s because Jessica Biel isn’t underweight. She’s not skinny. She’s not even “thin”. She’s fit as hell, but she’s also average weight in a visibly healthy way. And men don’t dig her bod’ because she has abs – she doesn’t have abs – they dig her bod’ because she has strong confident shoulders, glutes that can crack walnuts, and legs strong enough that she could probably pick up a runway model, put her on her shoulders and squat her for at least two reps. And she looks like she eats. She looks like she eats a whole helluva lot. You can’t build muscle like that by just crunching on carrots and munching on cupcakes.

And that’s why our jaws drop: she’s strong, healthy and vibrant. She doesn’t look like she spends her day nibbling on croissants in bed while browsing Facebook on her smartphone, she looks like she just beat her boyfriend in a decathlon and then had a wholesome feast to celebrate. And then some dessert.

(You don’t need to have guns as big as hers to be optimally attractive – it looks like she did a lot of focused arm and shoulder work to really create that distinctive look – but hey badass biceps certainly don’t hurt either.)

It’s not like being slender is unattractive – of course it isn’t – but many women still underrate the value of visible strength.
How muscular is the most attractive female body / how muscular is the ideal female physique

How muscular is the most attractive female body / how muscular is the ideal female physique

So … average healthy weight isn’t as common as you might think. But it’s actually not that hard to be remarkable either. We’re not talking about needing to train six times per week, or live on broccoli and chicken. We’re talking about genuinely living a healthy lifestyle in a way that will make you look like you genuinely live a healthy lifestyle. That takes cleverness, but it doesn’t take that much time, that much obsession, or that many sacrifices.

Many people take the other approach, actively trying to ignore this strength, fitness and nutrition stuff, telling themselves that their lifestyle just doesn’t have room for it, that it doesn’t matter, or that they’ll get to it later.* Those rationalizations also make it hard to stand out. That’s why impressively fit physiques are so rare.

Sometimes this can take up even more emotional space than actually leading a healthy lifestyle. Now that I go to the gym a couple times per week and regularly eat well, I find I have more energy and more time… and I never need to stress about health/aesthetics anymore.

Oh – and this isn’t the time to be cursing your genetics. Yes, rad genetics make this easier, but there are many attractive body weights, shapes and sizes (and goals). With that said, the sexiest bodies are nonetheless defined by several common characteristics.
So onward into the specifics:

The Ideal Woman’s Waist to Hip Ratio

Fit young boys and girls tend to be built like string beans. They’re just kind of narrow everywhere. But as soon as puberty hits men and women are born.

Men are shaped by testosterone. Strong healthy men with high testosterone are shaped like V’s – big broad shoulders, lean stomachs, small hips. Women tend to dig that stereotypically masculine shape because it’s indicative of good strength (broad muscular shoulders), good health (small lean waistline) and you can see it at a glance. It’s the quickest (a fraction of a second) and most accurate (most physical and mental health markers relate to muscle, hormones and fat) way to get an immediate snapshot of a guy’s overall health.

Same deal with women … except not at all. Women are shaped by estrogen, and strong healthy women with lots of estrogen are shaped like hourglasses – strong broad shoulders, lean waists and very strong hips. Just like you can size up a man’s health in a split second based on his body shape, the same is true with women. Strong women are wickedly muscular in the hips and glutes, indicating fearsome strength and sexiest ideal body fact percentage for men versus women (as far as health and attractiveness goes)

bone structure, and lean through the waist, indicating healthy levels of body fat. (study)
sexiest ideal body fact percentage for men versus women (as far as health and attractiveness goes)

Although, interestingly enough, some women are cheating the system, using estrogen to signal to their bodies to store fat in their butts and upper thighs instead of their stomachs. By moving their fat from their tummies to their tushes they’re enhancing their hotness via their fat stores. Kind of cool … kiiind of deceptive. You tricksters.

If at this point you’re thinking “but Shane – I’m a woman and I’m still a bean!” don’t fret – you may not actually have small hips. Yes, bone structure is probably a factor, but chances are that your hips also have undeveloped musculature that just isn’t poppin’ in all the right places. Most women these days can’t perform a proper hip hinge, resulting in muscles accumulating in their lower back and quads instead of in their butts, hips and hamstrings. While the bone structure of your hips won’t change, you can certainly build up strong curvaceous hips in the gym. (Tip for the non-genetically-gifted: curvaceous hips = strong muscular hips = hips that can lift, like, hundreds of pounds.)

Here’s a great gal, Reetta, with great genetics. She preferentially stores fat in her tush. Amazing. You can see what that looks like on the left. Over the course of a couple months she got a lot stronger and lost a bit of fat. You can see what a booty built out of muscle looks like on the right:

Bony to Bombshell Reetta showing more muscle and less fat

This works well for those who aren’t genetically gifted too. I have this friend who, once upon a time, was queen string bean. People would jokingly tease her about having no hips and no butt. (Funny joke, right? Nope.) Fast-forward a couple years and her nickname is Buns, because, well … her hips are pretty damn impressive. (She got a rugby scholarship – tons of heavy weightlifting and sprinting combined with eating tons of food at the all-you-can-eat college cafeteria.)

Anyway, what’s the ideal waist to hip ratio?!

The waist to hip ratio most correlated with health is 0.7 (study), and not surprisingly that’s what’s fairly universally considered the sexiest ratio, although it varies slightly between cultures. (To measure this you would take the circumference of your waist at the narrowest point and divide it by the circumference of your hips at their widest point.)
sexiest female hip to waist ratio for maximum attractiveness
… But this is one section where the studies really diverge, which is kind of ironic because this is the part that gets talked about the most when it comes to the most attractive female physique.
There are two things that are generally agreed upon: 1) the healthiest body composition is the hottest body composition; and 2) a stellar waist-to-hip ratio is heart-stoppingly attractive. (study)
That’s where things get interesting. Is it the being fit part or is it the bone structure part? Not all women have the same bone structure … and thus it’s possible to be a very healthy weight and still not have the “ideal” waist to hip ratio. It’s also possible to be overweight or underweight and be rockin’ a perfect waist to hip ratio.

Some studies show that wide hips and a slender waist is ideal, because that’s what instinctively looks the healthiest. (study, study) Other studies show that a healthy weight and a relatively lean waist matter more, whatever waist to hip ratio that happens to result in. (study) Either way, you’re best off taking advantage of both by rocking a healthy body fat percentage and becoming super strong through the hips. Usually they go together, after all. A leaner and healthier waist and a stronger and more muscular butt = better hip to waist ratio.

Plus, having a bodacious bottom has a whole category to itself because it makes such a profound impact on how sexy you look. There’s really no downside to filling your trunk up with junk.
But first the lean waist part:

The Ideal Women’s Body Fat Percentagesexiest ideal body fact percentage for women (as far as health and attractiveness goes)

sexiest ideal body fact percentage for women (as far as health and attractiveness goes)
Body fat isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially in women. I’m not saying you should be unhealthily overweight (medically this is called morbid obesity). That obviously isn’t optimally attractive. What I’m saying is that you don’t need to become unhealthily underweight or be totally ripped to shreds or anything. If you can’t see your abs in the mirror you might care, and that’s cool, but men won’t. (Visible abs aren’t essential for great health either, even in men.)

Fat is feminine. I mean, more hormonally masculine men are often harder and more chiseled than less hormonally masculine men, as higher levels of testosterone reduce fat storage in the face and body. Similarly, the fact that healthy men have less estrogen than women causes less fat storage in a man’s chest and hips. Very manly men thus stereotypically have faces and bodies defined by muscle, and it’s not uncommon for athletic guys to effortlessly maintain 8-12% body fat year round. (I.e. some healthy men have visible abs even without needing to flex them under flattering bathroom mirror lighting.)

But that’s not true when it comes to stereotypically womanly women. Women hold onto more fat in their faces due to lower levels of testosterone, hold onto more fat in their hips and breasts due to higher oestrogen, estradiol and progesterone. This means that in order to look stereotypically feminine you actually don’t need to be that lean, just healthfully lean.
The healthy range varies depending on age (and which expert / study you consult), but most sources would agree with the following:

Dangerously underweight: <14%
Extreme (athletes and fitness models): 14-18%
Visibly and genuinely healthy: 19-24%
Average: 25-31
Obese: 31+

According to Abernathy and Black, the healthy range is between 20-30% for women … with an important caveat: “Although persons with BMIs and percentages of bodyfat above these values have an increased likelihood of being functionally obese [aka unhealthy], not everyone will be. Equally important, many within these ranges will be functionally obese.” (study)

What this means is that being strong, active and eating well may very well matter more than your body fat percentage as far as your health goes.

How can you maximize attractiveness? A certain amount of body fat is actually feminine and healthy, and being shaped by it isn’t unattractive to men, especially if those fat deposits are landing in stereotypically womanly places (boobs, butt, thighs, hips, etc). Having a leaner waist is very very strongly correlated with health and has a good chance of improving your lifespan and mood alongside your attractiveness. (study) So you’d just try to get your waist in shape.

You don’t, however, need raging abs or anything. We have electric washing machines now, so you don’t need your stomach to double as a washboard. Being in the healthy body fat range is more than enough, and if you really want to get into that conspicuously healthy zone you’d just aim a little teensy bit lower – 18-22%. Part athlete, part head-turning hottie.

Note: You can’t spot reduce fat or anything, so just leading a healthful lifestyle that has your hormones as healthy as possible + losing fat overall is the best way to achieve a leaner waistline.

Sexiness and cellulite. Cellulite is dimpling created by body fat pushing up against your fascia. I liken it to fishnet stockings vs regular stockings. Men usually have fascia more like regular stockings, so it’s very very rare for any dimpling to show through. Women usually have fascia more like fishnet stockings, so you almost always have some dimpling showing through. It’s more common than you might imagine. (Just because it’s photoshopped out of most photos doesn’t mean that most women aren’t rockin’ cellulite.)

Yes, you can minimize the appearance of it by reducing your body fat percentage, but you can never totally get rid of body fat (and your lower body is a very feminine place to store fat anyway) so for a lot of women cellulite’s just something that will always be there.

Interestingly, when it comes to what’s considered optimally attractive … cellulite really doesn’t matter. It’s not unattractive or anything. It’s a very very feminine trait – it’s caused by feminine fascia combined with feminine body fat storage patterns. You or your female friends may care (although I’d argue that you shouldn’t), but most straight men have no issue with cellulite whatsoever, since they find feminine traits in women incredibly sexy.

If you happen to find a guy who does care about cellulite, just cancel his subscription to Cosmo and his problem should eventually go away.

What’s the Sexiest Amount of Muscle

sexiest amount of muscle mass on a female body for the most attractiveness
As far as overall musculature goes there’s a big discrepancy as far as what the vast majority of men find attractive (strong women) and what most women find attractive (thin women). (study) The above “strong” corresponds with what men find most attractive and the “thin” corresponds with what women find the most attractive. (study)

The male ideal isn’t surprising since, as with all the other attractiveness indicators, it corresponds with what looks the healthiest. I mean the female ideal can be healthy too, especially in women with smaller bone structures, but even then it often isn’t as healthy, since having more muscle mass is generally great for you.
Just to be sure though I tried to dig a little deeper, and I couldn’t find anything to dispute it. There are a lot of studies showing that slenderness is attractive, but only through the waist. In those studies they were strictly measuring body fat, not muscle mass. Even then the stronger girls with bigger hips/glutes were deemed slightly more attractive. (study) As far as muscle goes men really do seem to love strong and visibly healthy women.
This may seem confusing at first. Lighter forms of exercise will train your muscles for endurance and efficiency, and give you improved lung power and cardiovascular health. These are good things – excellent for your health – and yet that style of training will obviously not make you any stronger, bigger or curvier. (You’d be relying strictly on genetics for your curves and muscles.) So why are perfectly healthy types of exercise not necessarily making you hotter?
Well cardiovascular and aerobic health is just one piece of the puzzle. It will help with other things, like not overeating and thus helping you avoid becoming unhealthily overweight, and it will probably make your skin glow a little sexier. Both of those things will indeed make you hotter and healthier … but simply being not overweight and in good cardiovascular shape is still not a complete health/hotness indicator because that’s just one part of fitness.
Muscle indicates a whole hell of a lot of other amazing things. Obviously more muscle means more strength, speed and power – and that’s healthy, impressive and hot. There’s more to it than that though.
First, building up muscle takes plenty of food, and not just any old sort of food either, it takes plenty of hearty nutritious food. This means that if you see a gal sporting badass muscles, chances are she’s feeding herself like an empress.

Second, muscle mass also makes our muscle cells more insulin sensitive. This makes becoming lean a lot easier and helps prevent a lot of obesity related health issues down the road. (study, study) The food that you eat will start being used to make you stronger, not fatter. (study) This makes you look more curvaceous in all the right places (shoulders, hips, legs, etc), making you appear more stereotypically feminine/fertile.

Third, it improves bone density and posture. (study)
Fourth, being strong counteracts aging, increases your lifespan and improves quality of life. (study, study, study, study, study)

Fifth, and perhaps most interestingly, strenuous physical activity (like heavy weightlifting, sprinting, etc) stresses the brain and promotes adaptation and growth, improving brain function and allowing the brain to better respond to future challenges. As such, lifting very heavy weights and becoming wickedly strong / fast can positively impact your memory, concentration and ability to learn. (study) Improving your strength can  also improve your mood, reduce anxiety, decrease chances of becoming depressed and improve your energy levels. (study)

Visible strength is pretty undeniably incredibly healthy, since muscle doesn’t tend to hang out on girls who aren’t taking advantage of all of those benefits. Also keep in mind that hotness is visual health, and getting strong is what promotes better body composition (more muscle mass, less fat). Strength training / weightlifting / bodybuilding / etc – these are the types of exercise that result in your body adapting by becoming drop-dead-sexier.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also exercise in ways that won’t increase your muscle size. As far as training goes you probably want to do a mix of exercises that are good for both your strength / aesthetics (like heavy weightlifting) and your heart and lung health (like cardio). If you can be both strong and fit you’ll raise your IQ (especially logical thinking and verbal comprehension), improve blood flow to your brain, increase basal ganglia and hippocampal volumes (higher attention span and enhanced cognitive control), lower your chances of depression, increase your energy levels, reduce anxiety, etc. (study, study)

Luckily there are many ways to capitalize on both strength and cardio benefits simultaneously, and one way is performing big heavy compound lifts in circuits and/or with relatively short rest times. So, say, slowly working your way up to being able to do a 225 pound hip thrust followed by a few chin ups. Or a bunch of pushups followed by some heavy deadlifts. Or you could do some heavy weightlifting, then do some bike sprints or an intense aerobics circuit or some such. As far as aesthetics goes, this happens to also be an extremely extremely effective way to burn fat – often much more effective than straight cardio training or straight weightlifting. (study)

Can you become too muscular? Sure, depending on what your goals are. I mean there isn’t really such a thing as “too” muscular. Even if you’re totally jacked there will be a ton of jacked guys who are into bodybuilding who think you look absolutely amazing. But there is a point where you’ll start becoming less attractive to the majority of guys. For some women, and for naturally thin women especially, this isn’t a concern and never will be – their slender bone structure and naturally slender musculature won’t ever grow so large that it would in any way ever become remotely unappealing.

… but for many women becoming too muscular for their taste can indeed happen. Reetta, the girl with great genetics that we showed up above, told us after just a couple months of weightlifting that her back was “finished”. It was as muscular as she ever wanted it to be. At that point we simply switched to maintaining strength in her back and began focusing more on other areas that she did want to work on.

On that note …

The Ideal Butt

Things are interesting when it comes to the female hub of muscularity and strength – the butt and hips. This is the focal point of female strength and where a man’s attention is instinctively tugged. According to the studies I managed to dig up, most men (60%) are more attracted to a woman’s butt than her breasts. (study)

Men are notorious, of course, for not having any idea of what they actually want, so they also tracked eye movements to see where their gaze rested … and it did indeed rest more often than not on a woman’s tush.

Why do we care about butts? There are a few theories. One interesting theory is that bigger butts lead to greater balance (lower centre of gravity) and thus improve athleticism. In order to retain agility, reserves of fat should be placed as close to the centre of gravity as possible, which is near to the navel. In men, fat can actually be placed inside and around the naval (aka in the beer gut zone).

That’s not an option for women though, as your abdomen is already occupied by a uterus (and possibly a fetus!). So the next available place is on the butt, upper thigh and thorax – whatever the hell thorax means. (Thorax is by far the least sexy way to say “the boob area”.)

As a result, fat distribution is apparently a good indication of femininity and good health. Some girls get really lucky genetically, rockin’ big butts and small waists despite not being very lean or having very strong glutes. Other girls need to build their bottoms.

And then there’s also the fact that women can have incredibly powerful hips. Impressively strong glutes are a good way to spot a really athletic and powerful woman. When it comes to strength and athleticism the hips are an area where women really shine. By this I mean that they’ve got better hips than men. In terms of bone structure their wider and shaped more favourably, allowing for more mobility and strength. You can probably learn to squat and deadlift deeper and hip thrust with a lot more power than your male friends can. Rocking strong round glutes is often a natural byproduct of being a powerful healthy athletic woman.

So if you want to have a killer pair of glutes that a man will find incredibly attractive, just get a nice strong butt as shown second from the left:

ideal butt (and hip) size for maximum female sexiness / attractiveness
You can also just get super damn strong everywhere and your butt will become enormous along with the rest of your body … but it also seems that a slightly disproportionately large butt is seen as being hyper-attractive. (study) If you want to give men whiplash as you walk down the street, you might want to thus build up an even bigger booty – a bombshell booty.

To do this you’d get your butt incredibly strong by doing extra heavy hip work, you know, like men do extra bicep curls. Steal a trick from female bikini models and use bodybuilding tricks to become totally bootyful. You’d use a variety of glute exercises (glute bridges, hip thrusts, backwards lunges, romanian deadlifts, etc) and a variety of rep ranges (from 3-20 reps).

For an example of what that might do, here’s naturally thin Ioulia getting stronger, gaining weight, and adding a few inches to her tush:

Bony to Bombshell Muscle-building / Weight Gain Program for Skinny Women—Ioulia

Sexiness and Muffin tops. Sometimes you can get muffin tops because you’ve got fat building up in your love handles, which is a pretty common area to store fat … but just as often it’s simply because you’ve grown too large for your clothes. If you aren’t gaining the kind of weight you want to be gaining, that can obviously be frustrating, but when it comes to building up a badass butt I would consider growing too bodacious for your bottoms a total win. (Although I do hope your jeans don’t explode in public. That happened to me once … )

Genetics? Apparently (aka this is a rumour) one reason why Brazilian women stereotypically have larger butts is because they do tons and tons of glute-specific exercises. It’s a cultural exercise trend, not just lucky genetics. The same is often true of people with great physiques. They seem like they’ve got great genetics, but really it’s just a good lifestyle they’ve developed. Genetics definitely play a role – some girls have such great genetics they don’t even need to lift – but the cleverer and more consistent you are with your exercise and nutrition, the better your genetics will seem.

Is a very big tush still absolutely optimally healthy/attractive? Of course! I’ve not yet come across a study that suggests that there’s such a thing as a butt that’s too muscular. Being strong and muscular is healthy, and the hips are actually a very functional place to carry some extra muscle. It’s actually not just a bikini model thing either. Since it will improve your balance and speed, it’s also a very sprinter-ly physique:

sexiest / most attractive female amount of muscle … sprinter's glutes
p.s. Sprinters also lift really damn heavy weights in order to get stronger and faster on the field.
p.p.s. In order to build a butt like this you also need to lift very well. It’s often pretty hard to use your butt and hamstrings to lift instead of your lower back and quads, and thus lifting technique has a huge impact on the shape of your hips and butt (especially if you don’t naturally have a big strong butt).
Is a disproportionately bigger bottom necessary to be healthy? Not at all. You could definitely skip that step and train using a more unisex approach that doesn’t emphasize hip strength, size and power as much. You’ll still be super healthy and super attractive, just not disproportionately bunned.


Women often place a little too much emphasis here. This is understandable, because men find them absolutely fascinating. So fascinating that men are more than twice as likely to glance at your breasts before your face. Pretty wild / weird. While we find them fascinating though, we really don’t care much about how big they are. Really. We actually care more about the leanness of your waist and the bodaciousness of your butt. (study)

According to the researchers, “men may be looking more often at the breasts because they are simply aesthetically pleasing, regardless of the size.” That means that if you’ve got big boobs, men will love them. It also means that if you’ve got small boobs, well, men will love them. Basically, if you’ve got boobs at all then you’ve got the ability to keep men fascinated for hours, as I’m sure you already know. (Believe it or not, for us men, boobs are even better than Breaking Bad.)

The most common Google search us men make about our girlfriends’ boobs is: “I love my girlfriend’s boobs.” Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, an economist and big data analyzer, commented on this peculiar truth with, “It is not clear what men are hoping to find from Google when making this search.”

Here are some more “interesting” facts about boob aesthetics:
1. Poorer men prefer larger boobs. Generally in times when resources are lacking men gravitate towards women with higher body fat stores, of which boobs tend to be a good indicator. Even simply reminding a man that he’s poor will make him up his cup size preference. I admit it – us men are weird. (study)

Just incase that last weirdo fact wasn’t enough for you:

2. Hungrier men also prefer larger boobs. (study) Sexy tip – to make the most of a dinner-and-a-movie date, wear a push-up bra before dinner and then switch into a sports bra for the movie.

3. Sexist men prefer larger boobs. (study)

How do you pump/plump up the sex appeal of your boobs? While size doesn’t matter that much, symmetry and perkiness do. (study) Genetics help there, but both symmetry and perkiness are greatly improved by getting strong and lean. Being lean will often make your boobs smaller, yes, but this will also make them lighter, perkier and more symmetrical. Plus, since there will be less fat surrounding your boobs … they often look about the same size as they did before, just “better”.

sexiest and most attractive breast size / best boob size
Building up stronger pecs will make your boobs look bigger and perkier. I mean your boobs will still be the exact same size, but your pecs sit right under your boobs, so building them up bigger and stronger will push them upwards and outwards – sort of a natural push up bra made out of muscle. (Some breast implants are even done this way.) If you’re a girl with relatively small boobs this can apparently have a huge visual effect.


Quasi Modo was the only hero in Disney history not to get the gal. He was also the only guy in Disney hero history not to rock absolutely perfect posture. Coincidence? I think not. Plus, the girl they were all fighting for, Esmeralda – well she had absolutely perfect posture. As with any good true story, I think there are some valuable lessons to be learned here.

Chances are you had pretty solid posture by default but your lopsided desk-damsel lifestyle #$%& @$%#^ up real bad. Yes, some people have, say, scoliosis (curving of the spine). Well I’ve got news for you – that’s no longer an excuse. You can still take your body to superhuman levels and develop amazing posture and strength even with a few quirks. (Just make sure to ask your doc for clearance first, obviously.)

There are a ton of different defective postures out there, but the most common one is a forward tilt of the hips. It’s caused by a few things, but a big part of it is often due to weak hip extensors (aka a weak butt) and then this whole compensation pattern gets set up that wreaks havoc on your posture:
perfect and proper posture benefits

Here are two photos of Sara taken 10 weeks apart. They show five pounds gained, a bit less fat and improved posture in a relaxed position.

Bony to Bombshell Sara women's muscle-building transformation better posture (and more muscle)
The hips usually tilt forward asymmetrically as well – one side tilts further forward than the other – which will cause the shoulders to tilt in the opposite way to counterbalance the lopsided hips. As a result nearly everyone will have one shoulder sitting higher and more internally rotated higher than the other. This will also make one of your boobs look smaller than the other, and one side of your lower back look bigger than the other.

Bony to Bombshell Sara showing better posture (and more muscle)
The implications of improving your posture even just a little bit are pretty huge. Posture has been found to communicate even more about you than your facial expression (study), and several personality traits are subconsciously inferred from how we stand: aversion, openness, irritation, happiness and self-confidence. The slumped over position with internally rotated shoulders that most of us adopt is communicating all the wrong things: low self confidence, untrustworthiness, shyness, discomfort, etc. By building up the muscles that hold your body in a stronger position all of a sudden the impression you give off will change dramatically. You’ll appear more confident, more trustworthy, happier, etc. (study)

Posture is so finely tied to health and confidence that improving your posture will improve not only the first impression you give off, but also how confident you feel. It also makes it easier to breathe well and to breath deeply, making you calmer and more relaxed. To make things even more interesting, proper posture even changes your hormone secretions, further emphasizing all those positive changes to your mood and wellbeing. (study)

There’s an interesting caveat here. Women will sometimes rock the bikini model pose, intentionally booty poppin’ their butt out backwards by tilting their hips:

bikini model butt … with an intentional hip tilt

That’s okay. There’s a big difference between being stuck in that position 24/7 because you’ve got a weak glutes … and stylistically striking a pose to show off your strong glutes.
As far as strength and athleticism goes, proper postural alignment allows you to correctly transfer strength from your lower body to your upper body. This means you can lift heavier things and run faster and further when things are aligned properly … and you won’t be placing any negative stress on your lower back, tearing muscles or spraining ankles while doing it.
Badass posture will also make you look one whole hell of a lot younger. Over the course of our lives we slouch, slump and sit. Muscles atrophy, posture degrades and people gradually crumple up. You know what I mean – you’ve seen old people. You don’t need to be seeing an old person every time you look in the mirror though.
How do you improve your posture? We’ll cover that in more detail in another post, since it’s such a huge topic. For now, think of improving your posture like building a clay vase. First you mould the vase to temporarily get the right form (developing mobility and practicing proper postural alignment) and then you harden it in the oven to make those changes permanent (aka build up muscle and stability using heavy weights).


It’s basic human nature to care about being attractive, so there’s no reason not to take full advantage of your physique. Being as attractive as you can be really will help, not because attracting superficial men is all that matters, but because love means a lot to everyone, and we’re all naturally drawn to people who are visibly vibrant, strong and incredibly healthy. Plus, actually being vibrant, strong and healthy is pretty incredible in and of itself.

We all also care about everything else, especially in the longer term. Looking and feeling great physically will not only make us radically more attractive, it’ll help us feel fantastic mentally too, which is also a huge attractiveness feature. Have you ever been moody because of hunger, pain, the flu, cramps, fatigue, etc? That stuff affects our disposition and saps our willpower. Having a body that functions well inside and out will go a very long way to affecting your disposition positively. It’s easy to be “on” all the time when your physical fitness is helping keep you calm, confident and full of energy/willpower.

What do you have to lose? Well being impressively healthy isn’t easy, and not everyone manages to do it, as much as I wish they did. It takes time and effort, and not only that, it takes time and effort doing it correctly, and doing it correctly is a lot easier said than done.

Really that’s about it. There’s no major downside and there’s no reason not to strive towards it, even if you have a newborn babe and a hubby who values your time dearly. In fact, that might be an even more powerful reason to get into this stuff. We have a lot of people report having more energy to play with their kids, more energy to take their husbands out on dates, more confidence with the guys they’re attracted to, less moodiness, more focus at work, etc, after getting their physiques under control. Looking and feeling great isn’t necessarily a narcissistic, self-centred or selfish endeavour. It can be the opposite.

It also doesn’t take that much time or that much effort if you do this stuff cleverly and efficiently. You only need to train about 3 hours per week. During those 3 hours you can do strength training and cardio simultaneously. (Who ever said you can’t get your heart rate up while lifting heavy things?), and you can work all of your major muscle groups with just a few big compound lifts. (Why isolate and work all your muscle groups individually?)

Similarly, nutrition doesn’t need to be restrictive, time consuming or expensive either. It definitely doesn’t need to taste bad. Nutritious food can be just as decadent and indulgent as non-nutritious food, and there’s even plenty of room for non-nutritious food in a healthy and balanced diet.
I’m not going to lie – getting to an elite level takes time. Getting most of the way there doesn’t though. With dedication and a good plan you’ll likely notice improvements in the mirror in a couple weeks, pop into the “super beautifully healthy and vibrant” category in a couple of months. Men aren’t looking for freaks of nature after all.

Easier said than done, I know, but these are extremely achievable goals with huge rewards, both inside and out.

Then, while already experiencing all the benefits of having a hot and attractive physique, you can gradually and enjoyably work towards building the most badass body ever over the course of several years. Just remember, as you’re in this stage, to really and thoroughly enjoy your body for what it can do. Far too often we just keep upgrading our standards as we accomplish our goals, never stopping to appreciate how incredible of a job we’ve already done.

source by:

Bombshell Aesthetics: The Most Attractive Female Body (Full Article)